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Improving The Double Diamond Design Process

Double Diamond Design

Double Diamond Design

The “Double Diamond Design Process” is a visually compelling model that outlines a clear and superior understanding of the design process, reflecting a method that optimizes problem-solving and innovative thinking. First introduced in 2004 by the British Design Council, the Double Diamond framework represents a pivotal point in design thinking and operational methodology. Over the years, designers have suggested various improvements to the model to align better with contemporary design challenges and real-world applications.

Exploring the Gem: The Diamond Design Process

The Double Diamond Design Process boasts a visually striking metaphor for the design process that features four key stages – Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. These stages follow a divergent and convergent thinking pattern, reflecting the expansive thought process in the initial stages and the focused application during the latter half.

The design process starts with an extensive exploration of the problem space, often termed the ‘Discover’ stage. Here, designers acquire breadth in their perspectives, using a wide range of research and brainstorming techniques to understand the problem’s depth. This expansive ideation stage then narrows into the ‘Define’ stage, where the identified issues are clarified, and succinct problem statements are formulated.

Transitioning to the second diamond, the ‘Develop’ stage begins. Creativity propels this stage forward, leading to concept development, prototyping, and iterative design refinement. Finally, the ‘Deliver’ stage manifests, focusing on effectively finalizing and implementing the solution.

Browsing through this UI Glossary can be beneficial to comprehend the distinction between different design terminologies and stages.

key stages of the Double Diamond Design Process:

Stage Description
Discover Broad exploration, research, idea generation
Define Focus on specific challenges, problem definition
Develop Creative concept development, prototyping, refining
Deliver Implementation, testing, user feedback, finalization

Improving the Diamond Design Process

The Double Diamond is not a static model, and improvements can be made based on the complexities and demands of modern design challenges. Here are several approaches to refine the Double Diamond:

  1. Integral Research: Strengthening the ‘Discover’ stage with comprehensive and inclusive research methods can provide a more nuanced understanding of the problem space.
  2. Active Collaboration: Encourage collaboration across all stages to foster a creative problem-solving environment. A design process is not a solo journey and thrives on different perspectives and skill sets.
  3. User-Centric Approach: Emphasize the ‘user’ at the heart of your design process. To build empathetic solutions, apply user diaries, persona profiling, and journey mapping techniques to the ‘Develop’ stage.
  4. Iterative Refinement: Promote an iterative loop within the ‘Develop’ and ‘Deliver’ stages. Early testing and feedback can reduce risks and ensure the solution meets users’ needs optimally.
  5. Sustainability Integration: In the age of increasing environmental consciousness, considering sustainability is vital. Designers should incorporate sustainable principles throughout the entire Double Diamond process. This may involve assessing the environmental impact of materials, considering recyclability, and designing for longevity and minimal waste.
  6. Technology Integration: As technology continues to evolve, designers should remain tech-savvy. Incorporating emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, or artificial intelligence, can open up new possibilities in the ‘Develop’ stage and enhance the overall design process.
  7. Cultural and Ethical Considerations: Designers should be conscious of cultural and ethical factors influencing a design’s success. This includes understanding the cultural context in which a product or service will be used and ensuring that the design respects ethical guidelines and user privacy.
Image Source: Smashing Magazine

The Golden Ratio: Salaries & Qualifications Across Top Countries

For a successful career in design using the Diamond Design Process, let’s compare the salaries across top countries and the qualifications required:

Salaries & Qualifications by Country

Salaries & Qualifications by Country

Country Average Annual Salary (in USD) Essential Qualifications
U.S.A $80,000 Bachelor’s Degree in Design, Proficiency in design software, Portfolio Review
U.K. $45,000 Bachelor’s Degree in Design, Specialized Certification, Portfolio
Canada $60,000 Bachelor’s Degree in Design, Proficiency in design software, Portfolio Review
Australia $70,000 Bachelor’s Degree in Design, Proficiency in design software, Portfolio
Germany $55,000 Bachelor’s Degree in Design, Proficiency in design software, Portfolio Review

In conclusion,

The Double Diamond Design Process is a flexible and versatile framework for different design situations. Designers may improve their techniques and design solutions by considering these strategies while adopting changes in current design problems.


Q1: What is the Double Diamond structure?

Q2: What are the benefits of the Double Diamond design process?

Q3: What are the methods of the Double Diamond model?

Q4: What is the Double Diamond method of problem solving?

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